Why sound?

Using sound to nourish and heal ourselves has existed for centuries. From ancient drumming and dancing around fires to classical and modern music, we’ve been using the power of rhythm and vibration to shift energies in our bodies and feel alive.

Today, we are connected to phones, and our busy schedules run our lives. It’s easy to numb yourself as the weeks fly by as you tread life’s conveyor belt.

There has never been a more critical time to get out of your head and connect with your body; to feel sound vibrate through you, and experience stillness.

For some, sound can be an excellent way to relax and unwind after a busy day.

For others, sound can help still your mind and deeply connect with your body, giving you the power to unlock unseen patterns and embrace new pathways without having to articulate or explain.

What happens in our classes

Our classes are a safe place to leave the pressures of your day behind, relax, and find stillness.

We start the classes with a gentle check in and welcome, before beginning a short meditation to guide you out of your head, calm your mind, and prepare you for the unique experience of each session.

The sound sessions can be experienced wherever you have space where you won’t be disturbed; your office, living room, bedroom or even outside in your garden if the weather is good. You simply need a good WiFi connection, a pair of headphones for the sound session and dress in comfortable clothes that you relax in.

During the sound sessions, you will lie on the floor with nothing to do but listen to the sound of the Tibetan Bowls. You may stay awake during the session or fall asleep and even snore … and yes, that’s OK!

If you prefer to sit in a chair for any of the sessions, that’s OK, too as we can adapt any sessions to suit any mobility or back issues. Let us know before the session begins if you are concerned with anything.

Still Your Mind.
Awaken Your Senses.
Come Home To Yourself.